Alot of people assume Rock Band is so good because they are fanboys and have never tried Guitar Hero World Tour. Here are JUST SOME reasons that I believe Guitar Hero is better than Rock Band. First i'll start with the drumset. The kick pedal for GH(Guitar Hero) is a strong plastic and has some pads that are velcro and grippy on the bottom so it doesnt move around while on Rock Band the pedal is made of metal, when you press it it shoots up really fast and causes your whole drumset to move around. Rock Band just makes your feet hurt after playing maybe 2 difficult songs. The drum sticks for GH are very light and easy to use while still being strong and hard to break but the Rock Band ones are long skinny and heavy. The GH drum set Has 5 pads, the snare 2 toms and 2 cymbols. It is set up for a more real drumming experience. Rock Band on the other hand is just 4 pads next to each other, pretty lame and bland. I don't have anything to say about the singing except it looks the same. The guitars are really different. The guitar hero one is clearly the superior one as even people who own rock band still use their old guitar hero 2 guitars to play it. The only thing that there may be to argue is that Rock Band may have a little more song choice than guitar hero, that is the only downside. Guitar Hero is the clear better choice and if theres anyone out there looking to buy, GET GUITAR HERO WORLD TOUR!
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