I enjoy playing video games and i've been playing them all my life but this post is about a specific game, Halo 3. This game is very fun to play online with other people because you get to just make people mad by beating them or just talking smack. There is alot of cool guns in this game because it is a first-person shooter that is very fast pace. One gun in particular just grinds my gears and that gun is the assault rifle. All it is is a machine gun that does a little too much damage with a little too much bullets and all sorts of idiots are capable of using them. Any other gun would be a much better substitute such as the Battle Rifle. The Battle Rifle is the most used gun by more skilled players because if you can use them correctly they kill fast. With precision you must shoot 4 times at your targets head and they are done but with the assault rifle you charge forwards holding your shoot button down and melee when you get close enough. No skill involved whatsoever. It just makes me so mad when I hear the sound of that gun. Whenever I see someone running in a straight line towards someone just shooting their assault rifle deeply saddens me to the point where I just to quit and watch T.V. or something.....more specifically watch the weather channel. For any noob they think the assault rifle is so good but really once you're past mid-range its just useless, the Battle Rifle excels in Close to Far range combat and that is the main reason its the most desirable weapon of experienced players. In my opinion the assault rifle should just be removed from the game indefinitely.
A better place for you to get heard about a Halo 3 related issue is over at the Bungie.net forums man.
ReplyDeleteBungie is more likely to check out your suggestion there than say...wordpress.
But nice suggestion.