For those of you who played runescape you might get a kick out of this. It is a journal entry from grade 8 english that I did 3 years ago. Yesterday on my str pker Liquid_P1nt I got 25 mage 25 pray 40 R4NGE, 45 str and 42 hp. Oh and 7 fishing from bob the cat. I got 40 range just so I could wear freen d'hide for good all-around def. I use a rune scimmy and I make peeps eat 12's. When I have my team lvl 41 and 40 we go out and poon everyone like this: 9, 16, 12, 12, 13 dead and we grab our full rune. Children of the corn. Then we poom them. Dead. I only tele when a mob of 76 trill lvl 50's attack me with fire blast. When I am teleing they can't hit me so i'm like, choobs and they all said dead. I went back there with full ahrims on Pint and used ice birrage on them all 7 times and I got 76 trill full runes. I said yes then sold them and got a total of 11.4 quadrill. So I payed Jagex to make me a member for 100trill. I am now a Perma-member so I bought enough Dragon bones for 99 prayer then bought lots of addys and rune arrows then a mud staff and 100k souls then got my range and mage to 99 then I was a pking god with my stuff and sumptimes I would go to lvl 53 wildy and poon the chaos elemental and get a D2H and go poon every guy at the lever near the arena and I'd be like oh poonage yo dead and I would go give 1 trill to a lvl 3 noob that just entered lumby.